
Get customer feedback

Collect valuable feedback within your application & build better customer experiences

How to collect customer feedback within your app?

Collecting customer feedback is essential for understanding their needs and improving your product or service. With Userlove Survey tool, you can easily gather valuable insights from your users directly within your app.

Userlove survey tool allow you to create different types of surveys to gether feedback from your customers, such as a NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey, CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) survey, or CES (Customer Effort Score) survey. Customize the questions and design of your survey to suit your needs.

Collect real-time feedback & improve user experience

Userlove simplifies the process of obtaining in-app, real-time feedback from your users, whether it’s related to new or existing product features. The microsurvey feature enables you to gather user feedback at scale within your application, without requiring users to leave it.

By collecting feedback, you can obtain valuable insights into how users engage with your product and use that information to make informed decisions about enhancing the user experience. This user-centric approach enables you to remain ahead of the competition and maintain your market advantage.
